What they didn’t
teach you in school

Think your employees know money? A recent Aon Hewitt survey of more than 425 U.S. employers, representing 11 million employees, revealed 80% cited financial wellness for their employees as the top priority in 2013. 86% of companies plan to focus communication initiatives on helping their employees evaluate and understand how much they need to save for retirement.

Financial concerns are the number one cause of household distress. Mitigating financial issues leads to higher productivity and that leads to higher company revenues. Less stress creates a happier employee, which leads to higher customer satisfaction

and higher creativity, which contributes to a higher competitive edge for your company. Operating expenses tend to decrease because employees have a better understanding of money, which encourages making better financial decisions at home, and has a residual effect at work.

Educating our employees on money management can have a ripple effect for future generations and shows that employers care about their employees.

The following four workshop modules can be conducted separately, each in duration from one hour to 90 minutes, or taken in any combination:

See Max In Action

The Money Basics

Financial literacy is not taught in school or around the dining room table. Most people learn to manage money on their own, and not very successfully at that. Topics include:

What is cash flow and a walk-through the “Money Matrix"

Money and its relation to time


 Expense categories and why Americans don’t save

Discipline and “The Liquid Way”

Debt: how to get out of it, stay out of it, and the “The Rule of 72”

  “SMART” goals and establishing an emergency fund

Our Economy and The World:
The Big Picture

We need to know what’s going on in the world so we don’t make financial decisions in a vacuum. National and world events affect economics; economics is much more interesting to learn when it’s related to current events. Participants will have fun learning how the economic headlines affect them.

Understanding the economy will allow them to make better financial decisions

Key economic indicators: what they mean and using them in everyday life

Key American industries and how they affect us

The Federal Reserve Bank and interest rates

Current economic headwinds

World economics and our interaction with them, including emerging markets

The Fundamentals
of Investing

When companies converted their defined benefit plans to defined contribution plans the role of investing (and saving) fell clearly on the shoulders of the employee. It’s imperative employees understand the investments into which they’re putting their hard-earned dollars. Participants will learn about:

Stock, Bonds, Mutual Funds, TIPS, Real Estate, Annuities, and ETF’s

Risk, volatility, and diversification

Allocation / Rebalancing your portfolio

Dollar-cost averaging vs. timing the market

Common investment mistakes

Investing in turbulent times

Preparing for Retirement

Everyone envisions a time when they will stop working – by choice or by circumstance. Are you sure you have the resources to survive when the paychecks stop? Participants will be prepared to:

 Dispel the long-held myths of retirement

Deal with inflation and “The Rule of 72” / longevity

Calculate how much they will need in retirement

Utilize 401(k)’s, IRA’s, and Roth IRA’s to have maximum impact

Protect their identity from identity thieves starting NOW

Transition from accumulating savings to cashing out