Using the Liquid App

Your Money

Let’s begin with your liquid information: all the money you have that’s liquid [press money] and add all of your cash accounts [tap the “+” square].

There are three different “money” types: CASH, CHECKING and SAVINGS.

Choose which of the three you wish to add by tapping the appropriate bar, then name it, enter the current balance, and save it.

Example: you have $52.38 in your pocket;
tap: CASH
name: "In My Pocket"
balance: 52.38
tap: DONE and tap SAVE


Continue adding “money” buckets by repeating the process starting with tapping the “+” square in step 2 above.


Now that you’ve entered all your money, you may go to another quadrant. Press the money square to return the home screen.

The Money You Receive

Now let’s enter all that is received during the month [press receiving] Add all the sources you receive income [tap the “+” square].

There are three different "receiving" types: work (recurring or non-recurring), distributions (such as money received from bonds), and people (where you've loaned money to people).  

Choose which of the three you wish to add by [tapping the appropriate bar], then name it, enter the amount you receive, select whether or not it’s recurring (for projects [toggle the “recurring?” switch to off]), choose the frequency, and press done.  Next enter the amount of hours you spend each week on the source of income.  Then tap "save" in the upper right hand corner. 

Example: you take home $3,000.00 per month from your job and work 45 hours a week. 
tap: WORK then recurring button
name: Acme, Inc.
income: 300000 and tap DONE
tap:  Per
select:  MONTH and tap DONE
tap: HRS/WL
select: 45 and tap DONE.

Continue adding receiving buckets by repeating the process starting with tapping the "+" square.

Now that you have entered all of your receiving buckets you may now enter all your expenses. 




Organizing Monthly Expenses

Let’s start entering all your monthly expenses and your credit card balances [press spending] Now, add all the expenses you pay on a monthly basis [tap the “+” square].

There are three different "spending" types: Spending (such as groceries), credit card, and borrowed (if you have an outstanding loan other than your home or your card).

Choose which one of the three you wish to add by pressing the bar,  then name it, and enter the monthly amount.  Then tap "save" in the upper right hand corner. 

Example: Your current credit card balance is $2,348.92; 
tap: credit card
name: Visa
balance: 234892
tap: DONE then SAVE

Example: You spend $800 a month on groceries.

name: Groceries
monthly amount: 80000
tap: DONE then SAVE

Continue adding spending buckets by repeating the process starting with tapping the "+" square.

Set Up Your Wish List

Now that you’ve entered all you spending buckets, all that is left are those things you’re saving for [press saving for] Add all the things you’re saving for [tap the “+” square].


There are three different "savings for: types: Wish List, To Invest, and Infrequent/Upcoming.  

Choose which one of the three you wish to add by tapping the bar, then enter the data for the respective fields.  The monthly contribution will be automatically calculated based on the goal amount and the goal date.  Then tap save in the upper right corner. 

All “saving for” buckets will start with $0.00 in the month you create them; when rollover occurs on the first of the following month (and every month thereafter), you will then see the monthly amount.

Example: Your auto insurance is $1,200.00 a year and due on November 12.
tap: Infreq/upcoming
Name: Auto Insurance
How Often: Annually
Goal Amount: $1,200.00 then Done
Goal Date: November 12
Tap: Done then Save

Continue adding “saving for” buckets by repeating the process starting with tapping the “+” square.  

You're Done

It’s time to take control of your spending and saving!

It's time to begin dragging and dropping your transaction as they occur.   Suppose you go to the grocery store and buy groceries for 43.27 with your debit card.   Simply drag and drop Checking to Groceries to enter the transaction.   Tap 4327 and press done.  You now have $43.27 less in both your Grocery and Checking buckets.

For the first time you see where you really stand; with your Liquid Number you see where you'll be at the end of the month because it uses your upcoming cash flow.   Now open Money back up.

Let's say you have to take your car to the mechanic and you didn't have a bucket for it. Drag Checking to your Liquid Number.  Enter the amount and press Done.  


Your Liquid Number is your emergency fund. It is the difference between the left and right quadrants. You see from the above transaction that it went down because you decreased your checking account to pay for the unbudgeted expense. That is what the emergency fund is for. 

Tap the Checking Account Timeline to see details.

No one's budget is constant: that's why each month when your buckets refill, any unspent money from a previous month is rolled over. 

If you need more money in a spending bucket you can drag from another spending bucket to move money.  Give that a try!

All done! Absolutely change or delete them as you see fit and add other descriptive buckets for your life.