"What is Cyber Monday?" is a frequently asked question at holiday get-togethers, especially Thanksgiving. Hint: it involves getting a good deal on holiday shopping.

How does Cyber Monday work?

On the Monday after Thanksgiving there's a barrage of online deals on websites like Amazon or NewEgg. It has become the online shopping alternative to Black Friday. Perhaps families didn't get all their holiday shopping done over the Thanksgiving weekend. So despite the fact there's obviously plenty of time left after Cyber Monday to get all your gifts, the day has become wildly popular as more and more people feel comfortable ordering gifts from websites.

In fact there's a term called "Thanksviging hangover," which describes being stuffed with turkey and dressing so you are in the shopping mood come Monday morning.

What Is Cyber Monday?: The Infographic

The Convenience Of Spending

Before we get too excited about the meaning of, "What Is Cyber Monday?", let's take a moment and think about what's happening. Through the 4,500 years that the human race has been using money, it has become increasingly convenient: from gold bullion to gold coins to paper currency to plastic to electronic transfers.

With the rise of online retailing, stores are literally open 24/7 making it frictionless to use our ever more convenient form of currency. So when you seek out the best deal, just make sure you spend consciously.

What are your plans for Cyber Monday?

CategoriesSaving Money